In what ways do you shelter life?
Today we want to join the intention of singing to water, to life, from a very intimate place, the place that makes us more human.
Join us in sharing this space of reflection, love and gratitude, offering a song to life!
LIVE stream today 22nd of March 2023 (in English) at 8pm UTC-5 and at 7pm UTC-5 (in Spanish) following the link in the bio to @ecosinnova Facebook page or on @ecosinnova YouTube channel ✨
Ecosinnova, an awakened ecosystem where we create conscious networks ✨
@cantoalagua @cantoalaguacordoba @cantoalaguaubatuba.brasil @cantoalagua.anisacate @bogardofocial
#water #agua #worldwaterday #diamundialdelagua #diamundialdaagua #cuidado #abrigo #care #shelter #life #vida #ecosinnova #colibri #hummingbird #warmy #kinti #paramos #rainforest #conservation #consciencia #despertar #awakening #nonduality #gaia #nuevahumanidad #newearth #activismoconsciente #consciousactivism #activismoespiritual #spiritualactivism